Ring Sizing 101
This article is your ring sizing 101, to give you the knowledge and understanding before buying that all important sustainably made engagement ring. Unless you are a self confessed ring addict (OK, I might be talking about myself here!) you are unlikely to know your ring size, let alone what is your partner’s ring size?
6 questions answered about ring sizing
One of the most common questions I get asked about is ring sizing, so regarding this topic let’s get started. I’ve broken down this guide into the 6 main questions that you’ll need to know the answers to.
You may have already read my post about choosing the right wedding ring shape? If not, I do recommend giving that some attention when the time arises.
1. What is Ring Size?
Here in the UK, ring size is measured in letters. Ring sizes go from A being the very smallest to Z+5 being the largest. Each letter or ring size is determined by the inside diameter of a ring. This measurement does not include the metal of the ring, but instead imagine it as the measurement in mm across the hole of the ring. The reason the measurement is only the hole is because the thickness of the metal part of the ring might vary. All you need to know is the size of the hole where the finger goes through the ring.
2. Which finger does an engagement ring go on?
In England, an engagement ring goes on the finger next to the little finger on the left hand.
3. What is the most Common Ring Size?
In England the most common ring size for a woman is size M and for men T ½.
4. Does the style of the engagement ring affect the ring size?
In a word, “Yes”, the style of engagement ring you choose will affect ring sizing. The wider and thicker the ring is the more you need to size up to allow for the width of metal. As an approximate guess, for every 2mm you add to the width of your ring then size up your ring by half a size.
5. What do I do if I get the wrong ring size?
This is such an important question, what to do if you get the ring size wrong? I’d like to answer with some sound advice. Before purchasing your ring ask the jeweller if they can resize it if you’ve got the ring size incorrect. Let’s be honest, most people are not going to get the ring size exactly right by guessing. Think twice if your jeweller is unable to resize your ring for you. Jump for joy if your jeweller will resize your ring at no extra cost.
6. How do I know if my ring is the correct size?
Ok, you’ve bought your ring, you’ve asked the big question and they said yes, but your unsure if the ring is the correct size. A correct sized engagement ring should go on fairly easily and need a little wiggle to come off. Test your ring at different times of day to see if it passes the wiggle test. If your ring feels too big or small after testing get your ring measured by a professional jeweller, or the jeweller you bought your ring from to get the correct ring size.
Your ring sizing questions answered
So now you have the answers to the 6 most important questions about ring sizing. You will now be more knowledgeable about what ring size is, which finger an engagement ring goes on, what are the most common ring sizes, how style of ring can affect ring size, how to check if you have the correct ring size and what to do if you got the ring size wrong.
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- If I’ve not answered your question please leave it in the comments below and I can answer it for you.
Before you go, why not look at my sustainably made engagement ring collection, all made to order for you.